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Centre de Développement Personnel

You  want change in your life?
It starts with you!


Humanistic Enneagram

Transactional Analysis

Jung personality

Neuro Linguistic Programming

Ericksonian hypnosis

Desensitization by Eye Movements

Emotional intelligence

Bach flowers 

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Anahata Équilibre

Anahata Équilibre is a personal development center, where you will find two coaches with a personal development toolbox full of resources.


In order to best support you, we have trained in several techniques such as the Enneagram, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Transactional Analysis, Ericksonian Hypnosis ... If you feel like it, there are the tools!

You are a  infinite multitude of resources and possibilities,

come  discover  your potential!

Personal development,

Développement personnel
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It is the fact of allowing the resources and wealth specific to each one and very often unsuspected, to grow, evolve and be expressed.

Because by expressing them  in the concrete here and now, our resources will have a resonance effect in the other who, in turn, will be inclined to give rise to their own wealth!


It is, in my opinion, the best way to co-create.

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The Humanist Enneagram

Thanks to the Enneagram, the individual will be able to become aware of his unconscious habits and repetitive patterns put in place since his childhood. This information, which takes into account the limits and strengths of the individual, will allow him to improve and evolve, and to move forward positively.

The Enneagram is very effective for people wishing to start a process of personal development since it is above all a powerful tool for self-observation.

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Énnéagramme Humaniste

Neuro Linguistic Programming

Neurolinguistic programming commonly called NLP, is a set of communication and self-transformation techniques, which are based on our reactions, our behaviors, based on communication and workshops.

It consists of identifying our inappropriate behaviors to replace them with more positive actions. We will set goals and achieve them by programming our mind.

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Analyse Transactionelle

Jung personalities

Thanks to the Enneagram, the individual will be able to become aware of his unconscious habits and repetitive patterns put in place since his childhood.

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Transactional Analysis

AT consists in diagnosing which state of the "I" occurs in the people present, in a relationship. Its goal is to allow the individual to use his different aspects in an appropriate way in order to regain his autonomy.


This reading grid of our behavior gives a better understanding of oneself and improves communication with others, both personally and professionally. 

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Personnalités de Jung
Programme Neuro Linguistique
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Ericksonian hypnosis

Ericksonian hypnosis is gentle, respectful of the human person, aims at the autonomy of the patient, and tends to give him back power in his life.

You already know the hypnotic state, since you experience it spontaneously several times a day when, for example, "you are in the moon"

During a session, I will guide you step by step towards this particular state.

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Hypnose Ericksonienne

Desensitization by
Eye movements

BMD radically frees emotional shocks and traumas, as well as recurring difficult emotions.
It causes the brain and the body to "digest" the traumatic elements or the unintegrated emotions.

With BMD, we therefore use many segments of slow eye movements in different directions, and we also use, at one point in the session, segments of rapid eye movements.

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Désensibilisation par Mouvements Oculaires
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Emotional intelligence

Emotions are in every moment we live, are a part of every decision we make, help us understand the world, and are essential in all connections with others. You will find that they can help you, and they can sink you too. Once you understand these key concepts, you will discover the importance of emotional intelligence in addressing the collective emotional crisis we are witnessing.

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Intelligence Émotionnelle
Méditer dans la nature
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