The Humanist Enneagram
From the Greek "ennea" which means "nine" and "gramma" which means "sign / profile", the enneagram is a model of personality which makes it possible to understand the mode of functioning of an individual. Indeed, this tool makes it possible to precisely identify the profile of an individual and his characteristics by taking into account the different facets of his personality.
It is represented in the form of a geometric figure composed of a circle and 9 points, each point corresponding to a personality profile. Some profiles are linked together by an arrow, which makes it a dynamic model since it attaches importance to the links between the 9 types. This model is based on the principle that each individual has several facets, including a dominant facet which is the one that the individual first developed during his childhood and which led him to adopt automatisms that can be detrimental to him.
Thanks to the enneagram, the individual will be able to become aware in a roundabout way, the habits and repetitive patterns that he has put in place since his childhood. This information, which takes into account the limits and strengths of the individual, will allow him to improve and evolve positively.
The enneagram is very effective for individuals wishing to initiate a process of personal development since it is above all a powerful tool for self-observation.
This tool is used by some practitioners in order to enhance the potential of their clients and lead them towards a positive development of themselves and a better knowledge of their way of functioning.